‘The only source of knowledge is experience’ (A. Einstein)

A month ago I had the amazing opportunity to participate in the first ever walking workshop on social entrepreneurship in tourism. The event took place in Nepal and we had to trek for ten days in the rural villages located in the Lower Solu Khumbu region of the Himalayas. Besides trekking, we were discussing ideas, delivering ‘walking papers’, attending workshops and visiting local schools. The Moving Mountains Trust facilitated our visit to the region and gave us the opportunity to see pertinent and purposeful social entrepreneurship projects. Was it a meaningful and useful experience? For me was much more than that, it was a life-changing experience as I saw things from different angles and perspectives, explored new ideas and changed my mind-set, felt the warmth of the Nepalese people, made new friendships and met a truly inspirational leader. The advice I want to send to all my students is: get out of your comfort zone in order to experience great things! I will continue working on several projects on social entrepreneurship and starting next academic year, I will try to involve students in some of the on-going projects. Keep an eye on the blog as I will post all updates here. [wzslider]