As part of the Santander Mobility Scholarship, Dr. Agnieszka Rydzik spent one month working closely with a grassroots organisation working for the rural development of Campo de Elche. This research grant was awarded in the first round of research scholarships offered to staff as a result of the 2013 agreement signed between the University and the Santander Universities Global Division. This new partnership aims to fund international scholarships and research projects for staff as well as students.
The main aim of the research trip was to gather primary and secondary data on the challenges and complexities of rural tourism development during times of economic crisis and explore active community participation in the process.
Conducted in partnership with a local rural tourism organisation, Asociación para el Dessarollo Rural del Campo de Elche. The organisation brings together local stakeholders, actively engaging them in rural tourism development projects and local events aimed at promoting their initiatives. With Elche’s traditionally strong agricultural industry in decline, other industries affected by the economic crisis and rural communities marginalised, rural tourism development is perceived as an opportunity to supplement local incomes and strengthen local identity. With two UNESCO World Heritage sites, – El Palmeral and El Misterio de Elche – as well as the Centre for traditional culture (School-Museum of Pusol pedagogic project) which is recognised by UNESCO in the Best Safeguarding Practices category, the municipality of Elche is rich in resources and local stakeholders are working towards maximising their potential.
This research trip was a continuation of a project Dr. Rydzik participated in from June 2007 to August 2008. As part of the fieldwork, she shadowed one of the founders of the organisation over the course of four weeks and attended a number of meetings with key stakeholders, including community organisers, local authorities, residents of Campo de Elche, local businesses as well as the director of Costa Blanca tourism. Additionally, Dr. Rydzik attended numerous events and visited key tourism attractions as well as natural and cultural resources, which the organisation is aiming to develop and promote. The trip helped strengthen the existing relationships of cooperation with those involved in rural tourism development as well as the collaborative links with tourism scholars from the University of Alicante. To disseminate the project, Dr. Rydzik gave a short interview on TeleElx.