University of Lincoln Represented by a Keynote Speaker

“Sustainable Tourism and Innovation” was the theme of the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism held on the 17-18 May 2018 in Hong Kong. The event follows a series of conferences organised by the Department of Geography and Resource Management (GRMD) and the Master of Social Science in Sustainable Tourism (MSSST) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK).

Dr Dora Agapito (UoL) and Dr Lawal Marafa (Director of the MSSST, CUHK)

Dr Dora Agapito (UoL) and Dr Lawal Marafa (Director of the MSSST, CUHK)


Several keynote speakers from around the world shared their most recent research on the theme. The University of Lincoln (UoL) was represented by Dr Dora Agapito, who presented a keynote communication based on her research on marketing sustainable and innovative sensory-themed tourist experiences in rural destinations. Professor Amran Hamzah, from the Department of Urban and Regional Planning, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Malaysia, presented a communication on tourism policy planning towards smart tourism by 2030, focused on the Malaysian experience. Professor Geoffrey Wall, from the Department of Geography and Environmental Management, University of Waterloo, Canada, shared his research on innovation in rural tourism, focusing on culture and agriculture in a creative rural economy.

Dr Dora Agapito (UoL) and Dr Johnson Chan (CUHK)

Dr Dora Agapito (UoL) and Dr Johnson Chan (CUHK)


The event included a field trip to Yim Tin Tsai, a small offshore island in Sai Kung, Hong Kong, where an inspiring community-based tourism project is being developed.

Field trip to Yim Tin Tsai, Hong Kong

Field trip to Yim Tin Tsai, Hong Kong


Since the first conference held in 2012, in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the event has centred around themes such as sustainable tourism practices, community and environmental resilience, global-local understanding, and sustainable tourism development (

Delegates at the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2018

Delegates at the 7th International Conference on Sustainable Tourism 2018